Can a Virtual Mini-Me Make Us Trust Robots More?

Ever wondered what makes us trust a robot?

I'm exploring the fascinating intersection of virtual reality and human-robot interaction, where digital versions of ourselves – our avatars – shape how we connect with robots in virtual space

Through my research, I'm uncovering how the bond between humans and their virtual selves influences HRI relationships using coin entrustment game, pushing the boundaries of how we'll interact with robots in the future

Published at IEEE ROMAN 2023

Exploring the Influence of Self-Avatar Similarity on Human-Robot Trust

We embodied participants with different levels of avatars that were captured by their selfies and transformed into digital avatars using a 3D transformation toolkit.

Participants will be invited to engage in a coin entrustment exercise designed to evaluate trust and collaboration in a VR environment. In this activity, each participant will receive a coin and will have the opportunity to entrust it to another participant of their choice.


Ongoing PhD Thesis


Understand AI Decisions Based on Variables Extracted via AutoML?